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Seminario Vikingos

The exhibition entitled “Vikings, warriors from the North, giants of the sea” is on display at the MARQ, thanks to the collaboration between the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen and the MARQ. It has brought the history and the legacy of that Medieval Culture of Northern Europe to the whole society of Alicante. As usual in the MARQ, the exhibition is accompanied by a series of lectures, in this case, a two-day seminar, in which historians and archaeologists will present the latest research on the Viking culture.

Thus, on November 3rd the Scandinavian specialists from the National Museum of Denmark will present their latest research, and on November 4th Spanish scholars will speak on the Viking´s presence on the Iberian Peninsula.

The seminar is open to all who are interested in the Viking culture. MARQ would like to welcome professionals, students and non-specialist public who wants to learn more about “the people from the North”, their impact on the European Middle Ages and what image the Vikings have left in our hearts.

• Free Access. Limited place according to the conference room’s capacity. Preference is given to those previouslyregistered.

•       Deadline for registration is October, 28th (2016): click here 

•       Simultaneous translation service is available on the session November 3rd.

•       A Certificate of participation will be given to those who are asking for it to prove their attendance to the two-session seminar.


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