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The Pre-Roman Town (within the East town wall)

The town during the Iberian and pre-Roman period arose amid the intervention of the Carthaginians, specifically the Barca (Hamilcar, Hasdrubal, and Hannibal). The town was likely destroyed at the end of the 3rd century, during the Second Punic War. In this section of the site traces of violent destruction have been documented in the form of layers of ash, burned beams, and collapsed adobe walls.

It is called the “Fire House” for the layers of earth with ash and the stones of the wall affected by fire.

An abundance of ceramic vases were found in these habitations, broken but complete. Among them was an Iberian imitation of a Greek krater (a vessel used to mix wine and water) very similar to a piece found in a Carthaginian cemetery, in what is now Tunisia.